Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Apartment in Kentucky

I moved to Kentucky the first part of July. Here are some pictures of my new apartment. My apartment is on the left in this shot of the front entrance.


  1. I love the photos and am really excited about your blog - I am adding it to my favorites. God's peace, Penny

  2. Hey there!! Great pictures. Keep it coming. Good to see you last week. Love, Joan

  3. Hey Lin;
    great to hear from you. The apartment looks great. Can't wait to hear about the job. Love ya, Sue

  4. Hi Linda, we miss you but can understand why you left New York for such a beautiful place. All the best. Lois

  5. Hello there.......I love the picture of the mountain valley!
    This is the first blog I have ever gone to.....I hope you feel special!
    Your NY Friend-Janet

  6. Hi Cuz, great to reunite over the phone today and am excited that we only live 2 hrs. away from each other!! Can't wait until we get together!! Love the first picture of your blog--what a view!
    Love, Kathy

  7. Hey, Linda.

    Great to see yoru photos. You look so nice and settled. My house has boxes everywhere!

    Loved the picture of the Kentucky hills.

    I really miss you!!!
