Friday, March 12, 2010

Valentines Weekend in TN

After returning from my holiday visit to NY it was back to work Jan 4th and little time off working on the new accounting software system, closing out 2009, board meeting preparations. This winter has been much colder and snowier than is normal. Valentine's weekend I had a wonderful time visiting my friend Patti Fox in Kingsport, TN. Kingsport is only 2 hr from Beverly and I was lucky to get dry roads both ways. I have know Patti since we were children and she lived in NJ and our families visited each other during the summers. Patti is newly retired from her carrier in the air force and bought a home in TN this fall. Patti and I enjoyed dinner out Fri night and then went back to her home to watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. We had such a wonderful relaxing Sat morning just hanging out in our PJ's, watching Olympics and catching up. We headed out for some antique shops, a fun hot dog lunch, and getting some things purchased on my shopping list. We went out for dinner and watched some more Olympics. Sun we relaxed again in the morning and then I made us omelets for brunch. Thanks so much to Patti for the very relaxing weekend that I was in great need of. "Old" friends are such a blessing when you can reconnect and enjoy each others company. I am looking forward to living near to Patti and hope we can spend time together often.

Thanks Patti for a wonderful weekend!


  1. Thanks for posting pics. Good to see Patty! Those were some fun summer days in Rockaway!

  2. Glad you were able to visit. Hope Patti is goind well adjusting to retirement. Maybe you could put her to work at Red Bird if she gets bored. lol Teresa
