Friday, September 25, 2009

Movie Premier

Friday, September 25th at 6 pm Mission Appalachia - The Story of Red Bird Story had it's premier showing in Pineville Kentucky at the Bell Theater. Todd Scoggins the director of the documentary and his family were in attendance. Todd was given a dulcimer from the Mission in appreciation of all his effort in creating this film. The women that plays the guitar in the trailer was in attendance and really enjoyed watching herself on the film. The film was GREAT! This afternoon Todd said that the DVD of the movie will be available in about a month for sale on the Red Bird Mission web site from the Craft Store.


  1. dear Linda,

    Thanks for the prompt review of the premier. Sounds like a fun time, with director there and all. Hope we can get a dVD of it.

    TTYS Love, Mom & dad

  2. How incredibly wonderful that you could be there for that event.
