Sunday, October 25, 2009

Perfect Autum Day

I have been working on the 2010 Mission budget for a while, learning lots with a few longer days. Friday was a rainy day but cleared and warmed in the evening - I treated myself to a nice dinner in Manchester of steak, tilapia, and shrimp at Starwood Mountain Dining Co - a nice little locally owned place I have been to before. Sat was cool and I worked. Today was beautiful and after Church at Beverly UMC I joined a group going to Pine Mountain State Park for lunch. The picture below is from the top of Red Bird Mountain where we pulled off and took pictures.
The lodge where we ate a buffet lunch was busy today so we were able to put our name on the list and walk around outside for a while. This state park has some trails that I would like to go back to sometime. This was our view from our dinner table from Pine Mountain - looking in the direction of Frakes. What a glorious day! A quick stop at the grocery in Pineville on the way back. Tonight I had dinner with Chris and Karen and friends of theirs from New York. A great day spent with friends and now watching the Yankees - hopefully winning this series tonight and on to the World Series. Go Yankees!


  1. Dear Linda,

    I'm so glad to hear about your weekend. It was good to go traveling around your beautiful state and have such good meals, too, with friends.
    Sat night we picked upor spaghetti supper at the NV UMC, put on by the boyscouts. THEN we went to East Berkshre for thier turkey supper. Several others, the Fullers, Marion Kinney and the Browns from Jewett Hill did the same. We enjyed our spaghetti and have enough for lunchtoday.
    We're at the moment, wondrign if we should go to Old Forge, etc with Nana and Emily, because we still have our colds. We're asking Nurse JOan for her opinion. We;ll probably go, but it' hard to cover my coughing!!

    Tim had a good weekend - full house yesterday , sun was so bright!!

    New medicine from Rocherster Dr is letting me sleep - wonderful!! Dad is doing a burial, no one we know, in Berkshire, better get ready to go.

    Love ya, Mom and Dad

  2. Hi Linda,
    What great pictures! Your hills are beautiful. We had a great sunny day like that on Sunday and things were busy at the farm. Wishing for one more weekend like that! Take care,
    Love, Joan
