Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mission Appalachia - The Story of Red Bird

Todd Scoggins has directed a documentary film about Red Bird. On Friday, September 25th a private showing will be held for employees and other guests. On Thursday, September 24th the film will premier at The Bell Theater in Pineville KY. Please watch the trailer - link attached. If you are in the area I hope you will come to the premier. If you are unable to attend the premier follow the Clay Bornes Studio for future DVD releases


The following information is from the Facebook page of Mission Appalachia - The Story of Red Bird

Directed By: Todd Scoggins
Awards: Official Selection - Louisville's International Festival of Film
Plot Outline: SYNOPSIS

Deep within the forests of Appalachia is a storied community of refuge and hope. The mountain people refer to it simply, and affectionately, as Red Bird. This mission has been in operation for nearly one-hundred years. The scattered populations and cultural uniqueness make it difficult for many service organizations to operate in this rugged, unforgiving land. But Red Bird has worked exclusively in this area since the 1920’s. The Red Bird Mission has been described as the most comprehensive mission site in the world. Nearly 3,000 people journey annually from across the United States to bring support to fellow Americans in this breathtaking landscape. These volunteers are frequently humbled and inspired by the richness of Appalachian culture. This documentary follows very personal stories of hope. The filmmaker was granted unprecedented access into the private, symbiotic relationship between Red Bird and the mountain people it serves. Highly protective of this relationship for decades, mission leaders grew to trust the filmmaker over the course of several years before allowing this project to proceed. Using discrete audio/visual equipment out of respect, the filmmaker captured inspiring stories of strength and resilience. While poverty in this part of the country is staggering indeed, this documentary looks beyond the broken houses and deep into the very soul and spirit of the people who so graciously revealed their homes and hearts. The result is a story of amazing faith and humbling compassion set in a backdrop of awe-inspiring beauty

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