After the board meeting on Thursday, November 12th I traveled with Craig Dial, the director of Economic Development at RBM, heading towards Falling Water's WV. We spent the night in Bristol and then traveled north on 81 on Friday. We had an hour to spare - Craig stopped at a antique store and I found two plates in my china pattern & a green tablecloth for Thanksgiving. Craig called his wife Karen, who is the pastor at Beverly UMW, while I shopped. We arrived at Harmony UMC around 5pm; were greeted by a group that helped unload the van & trailer; set up for the craft show; and enjoyed a dinner of KFC. Our gracious hosts for the weekend were Sam & Pat - Sam is a diabetic new to insulin and shared a sugar free apple pie - Pat has lots of antique glass items so we enjoyed talking antiques. Sat am we all went to breakfast that some organization was putting on of biscuits, sausage, sausage gravy and pancakes. The craft show ran Sat from 9 to 2 and Sun after the early service until after the late service. I ran the cash register - thanks Tim for the training at Stoughton Farm - I used a scanner. The Church was also holding a pig roast lunch - I enjoyed a lunch good sandwich and visit with pastor Terri Cofiell. Sun the UMW and Youth group helped us pack up and we were on the road by 2pm - arrived safely home by 10:30. I really enjoyed my first craft show trip - meeting new people and sharing about Red Bird.
12 years ago